Anthony Troi Phillips

About The Author
My name is Anthony Troi Phillips. I’m a young cacuasian male born and raise in the state of FL. I am a follower and believer in the LORD Jesus Christ and I try my best to live a life that’s pleasing unto the LORD, even though I still make mistakes. I knew that God had a calling on my life but I wasn’t sure what it was. It wasn’t until late November 2024 that the Holy Spirit revealed to me what my purpose and calling was. I have been called by God to preach His Word and to write books. I’m just following the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Inspiring moment with Anthony

Living In Sin vs Struggling With Sin
We as humans are capable of falling into sinful temptations. But there's a big difference between struggling with sin and living in sin. Those who live in sin have no remorse or conviction for their sins. They are not sorry and are trying to change. They live in sin thinking God will be ok with it. This is not ok. We are called to flee from sin not to embrace it. Then you have those who are doing everything they can to live their life according to God's Word and they try to refrain from doing anything that will dishonor the Lord. But they struggle with sin. No matter how hard they try to refrain from sinning they just can't get away from it. It's a daily battle. A struggle that person faces everyday. This is ok. It's ok to fall down just don't stay down. If we didn't struggle we wouldn't know how to grow and learn. Struggling is part of life. Even Christ struggled. No he didn't commit sin but he had doubts and fears and worries. He wasn't just God. He was a man. He was tempted in every way that we are. So when you think there is nobody that knows or understands your struggles, there is someone and His name is Jesus Christ. So don't listen to the voice of condemnation that says you are not saved or really a Christian because you struggle with sin. As long as you are working to become a better person then it's ok to struggle. When you fall get up brush yourself off and keep going. When you fall again, get back up brush yourself off and keep going. Every time you fall just get back up brush yourself off and keep going. You will make it. You may be beaten and battered but you will make it. I promise you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean onto your own understanding.
I encourage you to read the book of Romans Chapter 7. It talks about the struggle with sin. Even Paul the apostle struggle with sin.
Be encouraged with this word.